Q: How many Oregonians does it take to screw in

OUESTION: What is cosmetics?

| Women jokes

OUESTION: What is cosmetics? ANSWER: Cosmetics is a woman's means for keeping a man from reading between the lines.

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One day a blonde,

| Blonde jokes

One day a blonde, red-head, and a brunette were driving through the desert when all of a sudden their car broke down. They decided they would all walk to civilization. The red-head said, "I'm going to take water so if I get thirsty I can drink it." Then the brunette said, "I'm going to take

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Two Scots,

| Ethnic jokes

Two Scots, father and son, go to America. - Daddy, when we'll arrive? - Shut up and swim.

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Q: What did Bill Clinton say to Monica?

| Dirty jokes

Q: What did Bill Clinton say to Monica? A: I told you to lick my erection, not wreck my election.

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A tiny but

| Old age jokes

A tiny but dignified old lady was among a group looking at an art exhibition in a newly opened gallery. Suddenly one contemporary painting caught her eye. "What on earth," she inquired of the artist standing nearby, "is that?" He smiled condescendingly. "That, my dear lady, is supposed

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Q: How many Oregonians does it take to screw in a light bulb? A: Six. One to screw in the lightbulb and five to fend off all those Californians trying to share the experience.