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| Hair and bald jokes

America's oldest lady was 115 years old today, and she hasn't got a grey hair on her head. How come? She's completely bald.

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What bird tastes just like butter ?

| Bird jokes

What bird tastes just like butter ? A stork !

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Why men like to fishing so much?

| Fishing jokes

Why men like to fishing so much? They finally found something as smart as them to talk to.

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An old couple in an old folks home are having an

| Dirty jokes

An old couple in an old folks home are having an affair, nothing much they just sit watching TV late at night while the old woman holds the old mans dick. Then suddenly the old man ends the affair because of another woman. The old woman's distraught and yells, "WHAT'S THIS OTHER WOMAN GOT TH

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A 92-year old woman had a full cardiac

| Blonde jokes

A 92-year old woman had a full cardiac arrest at home and was rushed to the hospital. After about thirty minutes of unsuccessful resuscitation attempts the old lady was pronounced dead. The doctor went to tell the lady's 78-year old daughter (who wasn't blonde any longer, but just had to be at on

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