How can you double your money?

I thought, Miss Smith, that you wanted

| Dentist jokes

I thought, Miss Smith, that you wanted yesterday afternoon off because you were seeing your dentist? That's right, Sir. So how come I saw you coming out of the movie theatre with a friend? That was my dentist.

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First cannibal: My wife's a tough old bird.

| Cannibal jokes

First cannibal: My wife's a tough old bird. Second cannibal: You should have left her in the oven for another half an hour.

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These two

| Ethnic jokes

These two newfies are building a house. One of them is putting on the siding. He picks up a nail, hammers it in. Picks up another nail, throws it away. Picks up a nail, hammers it in. Picks up another, throws it away. This goes on for a while, and finally his friend comes over and asks him w

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My sister went

| Brother and sister jokes

My sister went on a crash diet. Is that why she looks a wreck ?

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And how much of that stack of hay did you

| Religious jokes

And how much of that stack of hay did you steal, Kavanaugh? the priest asked at confession. "I might as well confess to the whole stack, your Reverence," said Kavanaugh. "I'm goin' after the rest of it tonight!"

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How can you double your money? Look at it in a mirror.