What has eighteen legs and fetches a ball?

What do you get if you cross a cow with a spaniel,

| Cow jokes

What do you get if you cross a cow with a spaniel, a poodle, and a rooster? A cockerpoodlemoo!

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A little boy came running into the kitchen.

| Beauty jokes

A little boy came running into the kitchen. 'Dad, dad' he said, 'there's a monster at the door with a really ugly face' 'Tell him you've already got one,' said his father !

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Doctor, doctor, I'm at death's door!

| Dead and dying jokes

Doctor, doctor, I'm at death's door! Don't worry, Mrs Jenkins. An operation will soon pull you through.

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Q: Did you hear that the Clinton's had Air

| Clinton jokes

Q: Did you hear that the Clinton's had Air Force 1 remodeled? A: Now it's got two left wings.

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What do computers eat when they get hungry?

| Computer jokes

What do computers eat when they get hungry? Chips.

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What has eighteen legs and fetches a ball? The Philadelphia Beagles!