Seriously, when the crooked

Out for the Count

| Book title jokes

Out for the Count by Esau Stars

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One Scot came back from work earlier then usual

| Ethnic jokes

One Scot came back from work earlier then usual and saw plumber's car in the front of the house. - Oh my God, I hope it is her lover.

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Q: Why couldn't the

| Blonde jokes

Q: Why couldn't the blonde add 10 and 7 on a calulator? A: She couldn't find the 10 key.

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Customer: Waiter, I

| Waiter jokes

Customer: Waiter, I can't eat this meal. Waiter: Why not? It looks all right to me. Customer: I don't have a fork.

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Three friends were stranded on a desert

| Humor jokes

Three friends were stranded on a desert island. After several weeks with no food and no drinking water, they were beginning to lose heart. Suddenly, a bottle floated into the shore and a beautiful genie popped out. She said "I have three wishes to grant. Each of you gentleman can make one wish c

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Seriously, when the crooked hamburger took it on the 1am, where did it go? Heidelburg-er, Germany!