Why do bees buzz ?

Mother: Why was the phone busy all

| Telephone jokes

Mother: Why was the phone busy all night? Babysitter: The fire department put me on hold.

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Why did the boy become an astronaut?

| Space jokes

Why did the boy become an astronaut? Because he was told he was no earthly good.

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What band is a cow favorite?

| Cow jokes

What band is a cow favorite? Moody Blues

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How is a hailstone like an

| Weather jokes

How is a hailstone like an onion? -They are both whitish and have layers

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There was a blonde who was at an all blonde

| Blonde jokes

There was a blonde who was at an all blonde football game. At halftime she was called down to answer questions to see if she could win $1000. The first question was what is 10 plus 11? She hesitates and says, hm.. 5! The host says no im sorry thats incorrect. All of the blondes in the stadium ch

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Why do bees buzz ? Because they can’t whistle !