Why does your sister have yeast and

Q: Why did the bowlegged cowboy get

| Cowboy jokes

Q: Why did the bowlegged cowboy get fired? A: Because he couldn't keep his calves together!

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What did the elephant say to the famous

| Elephant jokes

What did the elephant say to the famous detective ? It's ele-mentary, my dear Sherlock !

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Why did the reindeer wear sunglasses at the

| Christmas jokes

Why did the reindeer wear sunglasses at the beach ? Because he didn't want to be recognised !

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Q . what did the sign on the whore house

| Dirty jokes

Q . what did the sign on the whore house say?A: Beat it we are closed

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Mother: What

| School jokes

Mother: What was the first thing you learned in class? Daughter: How to talk without moving my lips!

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Why does your sister have yeast and shoe polish for breakfast ? Because she wants to rise and shine.