What’s the best day to eat bacon?

A psychologist is at

| Mental health jokes

A psychologist is at a party talking with a small group of people, when a man comes up behind him and taps him on the shoulder. The psychologist turns around and the man hauls off and decks him. The psychologist gets up, brushes himself off, turns to the group and declares: "That's his prob

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What didn't Adam and Eve have that

| Parent jokes

What didn't Adam and Eve have that everyone else has? Parents.

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Q: How many Democrats does it take to

| Political jokes

Q: How many Democrats does it take to destroy a light bulb? A: None. They only know how to destroy the taxpayers.

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What's gray, squeaky and hangs around in

| Mouse jokes

What's gray, squeaky and hangs around in caves ? Stalagmice !

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What is the definition of "derange"?

| Cow jokes

What is the definition of "derange"? De place where de cowboys ride!

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What’s the best day to eat bacon? Fry-day.