Why did the boy take the ruler to

The defendant

| Judge jokes

The defendant stood up in the dock and said to the judge, "I dont recognize this court!" "Why?" asked the Judge. "Because you've had it decorated since the last time I was here."

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What should you do if you find a 500-pound dog

| Bed jokes

What should you do if you find a 500-pound dog asleep on your bed? Sleep on the sofa.

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What did the really ugly man do for a living

| Beauty jokes

What did the really ugly man do for a living ? He posed for Halloween masks !

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A forester and a lawyer were in car

| Heaven and hell jokes

A forester and a lawyer were in car accident and showed up at the pearly gates together. St. Peter greets them at the pearly gates and takes them to the homeswhere they will spend all of eternity. They get into St. Peter's holy vehicle and head on down a gold road, which turns into a platinum

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Q: How do know a

| Music jokes

Q: How do know a clarinet player is playing loud? A: You can almost hear them.

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Why did the boy take the ruler to bed? He wanted to see how long he slept.