What do cows read at the breakfast table?

Why did the Oregon State psychology

| College jokes

Why did the Oregon State psychology major climb up the chain link fence? To see what was on the other side.

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The German controllers at Frankfurt Airport

| Aviation jokes

The German controllers at Frankfurt Airport were often short-tempered. They not only expected you to know your parking location but how to get there without any assistance from them. So it was with some amusement that we (PanAm 747) listened to the following exchange between Frankfurt ground and

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I didnt see you in church last Sunday,

| Fishing jokes

I didnt see you in church last Sunday, Nigel. I hear you were out playing football instead. "That's not true, vicar. And I've got the fish to prove it!"

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The blonde was at

| Dirty jokes

The blonde was at the blood bank and sold a pint of blood. As she was leaving counting her $25, a man was leaving counting his money. He had $40. She asked if he had some rare blood type that he got more than she did. He said no, that he had donated sperm. The next day the bimbo was back at

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I was so sorry

| Dead and dying jokes

I was so sorry to hear you buried your mother last week. Well, we had to, you know, she was dead.

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What do cows read at the breakfast table? The moospaper!