Which ghost sailed the seven seas

Q: What's the difference between a horse

| Weather jokes

Q: What's the difference between a horse and the weather? A: One is reined up and the other rains down.

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Can you spell a pretty girl with two

| Spelling jokes

Can you spell a pretty girl with two letters? QT (cutey).

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Two cannibals

| Cannibal jokes

Two cannibals were having lunch. 'Your girlfriend makes a great soup,' said one to the other. 'Yes! agreed the first. 'But, U'm going to miss her terribly.

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| Children jokes

Mother: Let me see your report son. Son: Here it is, Mother, but don't show it to Dad. He's been helping me !

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I remember when Father Christmas first

| Christmas jokes

I remember when Father Christmas first passed his sleigh-driving test. He came skidding down in front of the toy factory.Have you passed?' I asked. Father Christmas pointly proudly to the front of the sleigh. 'See for yourself! he called proudly. 'No-el plates!

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Which ghost sailed the seven seas looking for rubbish and blubber? The ghost of BinBag the Whaler.