What’s a man idea of helping with the

What did one bell say to the other?

| Humor jokes

What did one bell say to the other? "Be my valenchime!"

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A man needing a

| Doctor and nurse jokes

A man needing a heart transplant is told by his doctor that the only heart available is that of a sheep. The man finally agrees and the doctor transplants the sheep heart into the man. A few days after the operation, the man comes in for a checkup. The doctor asks him "How are you feeling?" Th

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Which aardvark holds the speed record?

| Aardvark jokes

Which aardvark holds the speed record? The nearsighted aardvark, who wrapped his tongue around a motorcycle!

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The Counselor was greeting the new

| Humor jokes

The Counselor was greeting the new campers. 'So you decided to come to camp,' she said to one. 'Nope,' the camper answered. 'I was sent to camp!

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What's yellow, comes from Peru, and is

| Various animal jokes

What's yellow, comes from Peru, and is completely unknown ? Waterloo Bear, Paddington Bear's forgotten cousin !

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What’s a man idea of helping with the housework? Lifting his legs so you can vacuum.