Husband: What do you love most, my

A young husband with an inferiority complex

| Marriage jokes

A young husband with an inferiority complex insisted he was just a little pebble on a vast beach. The marriage counselor, trying to be creative, told him, "If you wish to save your marriage, you'd better be a little boulder."

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Melburn was strolling along downtown

| Idiot and fool jokes

Melburn was strolling along downtown Natchez with a framed picture under his arm. "Hey, what yew got there?" asked a neighbor. "I dunno much 'bout art," replied Melburn, "but Ah just bought me an original Michelangelo for two hundred dollars! It's one of the few he ever did in ballpoint!"

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How was your golf game, dear? asked Jack's

| Sport jokes

How was your golf game, dear? asked Jack's wife Tracy. "Well, I was hitting pretty well, but my eyesight's gotten so bad, I couldn't see where the ball went." "You're seventy-five years old, Jack!" admonished his wife. "Why don't you take my brother Scott along?" "But he's eighty-five and

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Q. What kind of motor vehicles are in the

| Religious jokes

Q. What kind of motor vehicles are in the Bible? A. Jehovah drove Adam and Eve out of the Garden in a Fury.

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Why aren't you doing very well in

| School jokes

Why aren't you doing very well in history? Because the teacher keeps asking about things that happened before I was born!

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Husband: What do you love most, my natural beauty or my body? Wife: Your sense of humor.