What car do insects drive?
| Car and train jokes
What car do insects drive? A Volkswagen automobile.
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Personnel Director: What would you do
| Idiot and fool jokes
Personnel Director: What would you do if you broke your arm in two places? Vanderkron: I wouldn't go to these places no more!
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A recruit examines the food served to him
| Military jokes
A recruit examines the food served to him in the batallion dining room. - Do I have any choice here, he asks a sergeant. - Yes, you do. You may eat it or not.
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Which painter always had a very bad cold?
| Humor jokes
Which painter always had a very bad cold? Vincent Van Cough
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If you're fishing on ice, you should
| Fishing jokes
If you're fishing on ice, you should never tell a joke on ice. WHY??? The ice will crack up!
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After she woke up, a woman told her husband, “I just dreamed that you gave me a pearl necklace for Valentine’s day. What do you think it means?” “You’ll know tonight.” he said. That evening, the man came home with a package and gave it to his wife. Delighted, she opened it – to find a book entitled “The meaning of dreams”