A little kid comes running into the

In Alaska's National Forests, a

| Travel and tourist jokes

In Alaska's National Forests, a tourists guide was giving a talk to a group of tourists about hiking in grizzly bear territory: "Most bear encounters occur when hikers, being extra quiet along the trails in hopes of viewing wildlife, accidentally stumble into bears. The resulting suprise can b

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Who do you think was sent to cover the

| Journalist jokes

Who do you think was sent to cover the story of the baby lion born in the zoo? A cub reporter.

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Two girls were having their packed lunch in

| Apple jokes

Two girls were having their packed lunch in the school yard. One had an apple and the other said, 'Watch out for worms won't you ! The first one replied, 'why should I ? They can watch out for themselves.

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How many psychiatrists

| Mental health jokes

How many psychiatrists does it take to change a light bulb? One, but he must consult the DSM-IV.

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What would you get if you crossed a cow with a

| Cow jokes

What would you get if you crossed a cow with a rabbit? Hare in your milk!

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A little kid comes running into the backyard. He says, “Pop! Pop! Ma just got hit by a bus!” “Son, you know my lips are chapped. Please don’t make me smile.”