Is there big money in the cattle business?

Q. Where does

| Fishing jokes

Q. Where does a fish keep his money A. In the River Bank!

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Why is Congress like a cold?

| Political jokes

Why is Congress like a cold? Because sometimes the ayes (eyes) have it and sometimes the no's (nose).

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Bill: Where did you

| Criminal jokes

Bill: Where did you get that gold watch Joe? Joe: I won it in a race. Bill: How many people participated in it? Joe: Three, a policeman, the owner of the watch, and me!!

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Q.Why did the blonde get

| Blonde jokes

Q.Why did the blonde get thrown out of the M & M factory? A. She kept throwing out all the W's.

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Why did the vampire baby stop having baby food?

| Baby jokes

Why did the vampire baby stop having baby food? He wanted something to get his teeth into.

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Is there big money in the cattle business? So I’ve herd!