Q: How many Poles does it take to

What dog can tell the time ?

| Time jokes

What dog can tell the time ? A watch dog !

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Q: How does Bill keep Gennifer Flowers away

| Clinton jokes

Q: How does Bill keep Gennifer Flowers away from the White House? A: He keeps offering to send Ted Kennedy over to give her a ride.

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Yo mama so fat she fell and made the Grand

| Yo momma jokes

Yo mama so fat she fell and made the Grand Canyon!

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Professor: Heavens! Someone stole my wallet!

| College jokes

Professor: Heavens! Someone stole my wallet! Wife: Didn't you feel a hand in your pocket? Professor Yes, but I thought it was mine!

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What TV station do bees watch ?

| Insect jokes

What TV station do bees watch ? Bee bee c one!

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Q: How many Poles does it take to change a light bulb? A: Just one, but you need 6000 Russian troops in case he goes on strike!