Q: How many Russian leaders does it take to

Say, your house is

| Idiot and fool jokes

Say, your house is burning. "That's okay. I got enough lumber in the attic to build a new one."

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Doctor, I get heartburn every time I eat

| Birthday jokes

Doctor, I get heartburn every time I eat birthday cake. "Next time, take off the candles."

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What kind of bread do pig ladles make in the

| Pig jokes

What kind of bread do pig ladles make in the Yukon? Sow-r dough bread.

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Which is the cheapest bicycle you can

| Bicycle jokes

Which is the cheapest bicycle you can buy? A penny-farthing.

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What's the difference between a very

| Dead and dying jokes

What's the difference between a very old, shaggy Yeti and a dead bee? One's a seedy beast and the other's a deceased bee.

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Q: How many Russian leaders does it take to change a light bulb? A: Nobody knows. Russian leaders don’t last as long as light bulbs. A: None, the old bulb is just suffering from a cold.