One afternoon a little boy was playing

Why did the bald man put a rabbit

| Hair and bald jokes

Why did the bald man put a rabbit on his head? Because he wanted a head of hare (hair).

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A little boy walked

| Funny jokes - 50 best jokes

A little boy walked down the aisle at a wedding. As he made his way to the front, he would take two steps, then stop, and turn to the crowd, alternating between the bride's side and the groom's side. While facing the crowd, he would put his hands up like claws and roar. And so it went-step, step

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Husband: What do you love most, my

| Marriage jokes

Husband: What do you love most, my natural beauty or my body? Wife: Your sense of humor.

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Q: What do the Republicans have that Bill

| Political jokes

Q: What do the Republicans have that Bill Clinton wishes he had? A: A mandate to govern.

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In a very small alley two trucks

| Car and train jokes

In a very small alley two trucks driving in opposite directions meet. As the drivers are equally stubborn, neither of them wants to reverse. They angrily look one at the other. Finally, one of them picks up a newspaper and starts reading. The other one politely asks, "When you've finished

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One afternoon a little boy was playing outdoors. He used his mother’s broom as a horse and had a wonderful time until it was getting dark. He left the broom on the back porch. His mother was cleaning up the kitchen when she realized that her broom was missing. She asked the little boy about the broom and he told her where it was. She then asked him to please go get it. The little boy informed his mom that he was afraid of the dark and didn’t want to go out to get the broom. His mother smiled and said ‘The Lord is out there too, don’t be afraid’. The little boy opened the back door a little and said ‘Lord if you’re out there, hand me the broom’.