Q: Why didn’t Noah go fishing? A: He only had two worms!
Author: BeFunnyNow.com
Q: Why do they say ‘Amen’ at
Q: Why do they say ‘Amen’ at the end of a prayer instead of ‘Awomen’? A: The same reason they sing Hymns instead of Hers!
What did one flea say
What did one flea say to the other after a night out ? Shall we walk home or take a dog ?
Q: How do you get a
Q: How do you get a blonde pregnant? A: Come in her shoes and let the flies do the rest.
A witch went into a beauty parlor and asked the
A witch went into a beauty parlor and asked the assistant how much it would cost to make her look like a film star. “Nothing,” replied the assistant. “Nothing?” she asked, “but how can I look like a film star?” “Haven’t you seen a film called The Creature from the Black Lagoon?” replied the assistant.
If an elephant is the
If an elephant is the symbol of the Republican Party and a donkey is the symbol of the Democratic Party, what is a pig the symbol of? Any party where there’s lots of food.
Why did the artist put on a show of
Why did the artist put on a show of horse paintings? He wanted to mount an exhibit!
What two members of the cow family go everywhere
What two members of the cow family go everywhere with you? Your calves!
What is smaller than an ant’s dinner ?
What is smaller than an ant’s dinner ? An ant’s mouth !
Why do witches have stiff joints ?
Why do witches have stiff joints ? They get broomatism !