What is grey and hairy and lives on a man's face?
| Face jokes
What is grey and hairy and lives on a man's face? A mousetache.
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Q. Why do bakers work so hard? A. Because they
| Humor jokes
Q. Why do bakers work so hard? A. Because they need the dough
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In Heaven:
| Heaven and hell jokes
In Heaven: The cooks are French, The policemen are English, The mechanics are German, The lovers are Italian, The bankers are Swiss. In Hell: The cooks are English, The policemen are German, The mechanics are French, The lovers are Swiss, The bankers are Italian.
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Young Charlie
| Dentist jokes
Young Charlie to dentist's sexy chariside assistant "Aha ! Are you the lady orthodontist ?". The lady replied "No, but I'll straighten anyone's teeth "
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Art Teacher: The picture of the horse is good,
| School jokes
Art Teacher: The picture of the horse is good, but where is the wagon ? Pupil: The horse will draw it !
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A man was complaining to a friend. “I had it all. Money, a beautiful house, a BIG car, the love of a beautiful woman, then, POW! it was all gone!” “What happened?” asked the friend. “My wife found out.”