As horses say to one another.

Manager: Twenty teams in the league and you lot

| Sport jokes

Manager: Twenty teams in the league and you lot finish bottom ? Captain: Well, it could have been worse. Manager: How ? Captain: There could have been more teams in the league !

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The cyclist, passing a pedestrian crossing,

| Bicycle jokes

The cyclist, passing a pedestrian crossing, runs into a man, and they both fall down. -"Geez, are you lucky." The cyclist says. -"What do you mean by lucky ?" The pedestrian angrily asks. "I got hurt really bad." -"Ah, you're lucky because I recently lost my license. I usually drive a bus."

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'I can't find my dollar bill,' Jane

| Money jokes

'I can't find my dollar bill,' Jane sobbed. 'Don't worry,' her Counselor said. 'A dollar doesn't go very far today.

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School lunches are not generally popular with

| Apple jokes

School lunches are not generally popular with those that have to eat them, and sometimes with good reason. "What kind of pie do you call this ?" asked one schoolboy indignantly. "What's it taste of ?" asked the cook. "Glue!" "Then it's apple pie, the plum pie tastes of soap."

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Q: What directions did the

| Ghost jokes

Q: What directions did the ghost give the goblin? A: "Make a fright turn at the corner."

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As horses say to one another. Any friend of yours is a palomino!