In what state will you find the most cows?

Pa's being

| Cow jokes

Pa's being chased by a bull! Well, what in tarnation do you want me to do about it? Get me some film for my camera!

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Why is Hollywood full of vampires?

| Vampire jokes

Why is Hollywood full of vampires? They need someone to play the bit parts.

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What do snowmen eat for lunch ?

| Snowman jokes

What do snowmen eat for lunch ? Icebergers !

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What has 200 legs, 50 noses, and

| Aardvark jokes

What has 200 legs, 50 noses, and is very loud? A herd of stampeding aardvarks!

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I offered a blonde a penny for her thoughts....

| Blonde jokes

I offered a blonde a penny for her thoughts.... she gave me change!

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In what state will you find the most cows? Moo York!