Do vampires get AIDS?

Why did the man throw away all the new pennies

| Money jokes

Why did the man throw away all the new pennies he had? Because they were a nuisance (new cents).

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Q. Where is the first baseball game in the

| Religious jokes

Q. Where is the first baseball game in the Bible? A. In the big inning, Eve stole first, Adam stole second. Cain struck out Abel, and the Prodigal Son came home. The Giants and the Angels were rained out.

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A farm boy was drafted. On his first furlough,

| Farmer jokes

A farm boy was drafted. On his first furlough, his Father asked him what he thought of Army life. "It's pretty good Pa. The food's not bad, the work's easy but best of all, they let ya sleep real late in the morning."

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Joe was sitting at a bar. He was totally

| Birthday jokes

Joe was sitting at a bar. He was totally depressed. The bartender, serving him a drink, asked what was wrong. "I'll never understand women" said Joe. "The other night on my birthday, my wife said as my gift, I could do with her what I wanted." "Wow! That's quite some gift" said the bartender.

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What did the biscuit say when it

| Food jokes

What did the biscuit say when it saw two friends knocked down? Crumbs!

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Do vampires get AIDS?