A patient was at her doctor’s office after

What did the astronaut see on his

| Space jokes

What did the astronaut see on his skillet? Unidentified frying (flying) objects.

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Did you hear about the ghost who went on safari?

| Ghost jokes

Did you hear about the ghost who went on safari? He was a big-game haunter!

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A young businessman rented a beautiful office

| Business jokes

A young businessman rented a beautiful office and furnished it with antiques. However, no business was coming in. Sitting there, worrying, he saw a man come into the outer office. Wanting to look busy, he picked up the phone and pretended he was negotiating a big deal. He spoke loudly about

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Q: Why did the bass player get mad at the

| Music jokes

Q: Why did the bass player get mad at the timpanist? A: He turned a peg and wouldn't tell the bass player which one.

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A policeman spots a woman driving and knitting

| Police jokes

A policeman spots a woman driving and knitting at the same time. Driving up beside her, he shouts out the window... "Pull over!" "No," she shouts back, "a pair of socks!"

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A patient was at her doctor’s office after undergoing a complete physical exam. The doctor said, “I have some very grave news for you. You only have six months to live.” The patient asked, “Oh doctor, what should I do?” The doctor replied, “Marry an accountant.” “Will that make me live longer?” asked the patient. “No,” said the doctor, “but it will SEEM longer.”