What did the little kid do with the

What jumps up and

| Frog jokes

What jumps up and down in front of a car ? Froglights !

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QUESTION: What is the difference between a

| Women jokes

QUESTION: What is the difference between a "Battery" and a woman? ANSWER: A battery has a positive side.

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Q: If called to

| Clinton jokes

Q: If called to testify in a trial how long will it before before Clinton commits perjury? A: When he's sworn in.

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What kind of bread do pig ladles make in the

| Pig jokes

What kind of bread do pig ladles make in the Yukon? Sow-r dough bread.

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Son: Where are the Himalayas?

| Parent jokes

Son: Where are the Himalayas? Father: If you'd put things away, you'd know where to find them.

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What did the little kid do with the dead battery? He buried it.