You’re spending a lot of time at that

What do vampire footballers have at

| Vampire jokes

What do vampire footballers have at half-time? Blood oranges.

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Where do the cleverest parrots live?

| Bird jokes

Where do the cleverest parrots live? In the brain tree forests!

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Tarzan was tired when he came home.

| Elephant jokes

Tarzan was tired when he came home. "What have you been doing", asked Jane. "Chasing a herd of elephants on vines" "Really ?", said Jane. "I thought elephants stayed on the ground !"

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A hound dog and a dalmation were sitting in an

| Dog jokes

A hound dog and a dalmation were sitting in an Internet cafe and the dalmation said to the hound, "Hey, check out my web site!" The hound asked for the address and the dalmation responded, "

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What do they serve at birthday

| Birthday jokes

What do they serve at birthday parties in heaven? Angel food cake, of course!

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You’re spending a lot of time at that computer screen. Have you had your eyes checked? No, they’ve always been blue!