How does Santa Claus take pictures?

The police are looking for a

| Police jokes

The police are looking for a thief with one eye Why don't they use two?

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What would you get if you crossed a

| Easter jokes

What would you get if you crossed a skunk with a type of Easter candy? Smelly beans!

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Fred: You've got a Roman nose.

| Face jokes

Fred: You've got a Roman nose. Harry: Like Julius Caesar? Fred: No, it's roamin' all over your face.

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yo mama so fat that when she puts on her

| Yo momma jokes

yo mama so fat that when she puts on her yellow rain coat and walks down the street people shout out cab!

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Doctor, Doctor I'm a burglar

| Doctor and nurse jokes

Doctor, Doctor I'm a burglar ! Have you taken anything for it ?

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How does Santa Claus take pictures? With his North Pole-aroid.