McNally was taking his first plane ride,

Why does Dracula have no friends?

| Vampire jokes

Why does Dracula have no friends? Because he's a pain in the neck.

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Question: How many men does it take to mop the

| Men jokes

Question: How many men does it take to mop the floor? Answer: None, it's a women's job.

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For weeks a six-year old lad kept telling his

| Parent jokes

For weeks a six-year old lad kept telling his first-grade teacher about the baby brother or sister that was expected at his house. One day the mother allowed the boy to feel the movements of the unborn child. The six-year old was obviously impressed, but made no comment. Furthermore, he stop

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What does the N on the Nebraska

| College jokes

What does the N on the Nebraska football helmet stand for? "Nowledge."

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Why did the horse stir his cereal with his

| Horse jokes

Why did the horse stir his cereal with his hoof? Because he wanted to feel his oats!

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McNally was taking his first plane ride, flying over the Rocky Mountains. The stewardess handed him a piece of chewing gum. “It’s to keep your ears from popping at high altitudes,” she explains. When the plane landed McNally rushed up to her. “Miss,” he said, “I’m meetin’ me wife right away. How do I get the gum out of me ears?”