Father Christmas:I

What do you call a bull that runs into a threshing

| Cow jokes

What do you call a bull that runs into a threshing machine? Hamburger!

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What do you say to a naked pig?

| Pig jokes

What do you say to a naked pig? "I never sausage a body."

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Recruits were shocked at the language the

| Military jokes

Recruits were shocked at the language the sergeant used in their unit. During a smoke break one young soldier asked: "Sergeant, where did you le-arn your language?" "Learnit, hell, it's a gift," proudly informed the NCO.

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What do you get if you cross a trumpet and a

| Snake jokes

What do you get if you cross a trumpet and a serpent ? A snake in the brass !

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A friend got some vinegar in his ear, now he

| Food jokes

A friend got some vinegar in his ear, now he suffers from pickled hearing.

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Father Christmas:I like the story about the girl who steals from the rich and gives it all to Granny. Elf: That’s Little Red Robin Hood’!