Jett was trying to

Jett was trying to light a match. He struck the first one and it didn’t work, so he threw it away. He struck the second match. That didn’t work either, so he tossed it. Jett struck the third one and it lit up. “That’s a good one!” said the idiot, blowing it out. “Ah’m gonna save it!”

Titus was on a

Titus was on a Knoxville elevator with several other people. As the elevator moved up, he stared at the small fan revolving slowly in the elevator ceiling. “It’s amazing,” he said to the other people, “that such a small fan could lift all these people!”

Four Independence boys, Pugh, Sumter,

Four Independence boys, Pugh, Sumter, Kilby and Grayson, were walking down a Clay County road when they came to a high, solid brick wall. Wondering what was behind it, Pugh, Sumter and Kilby boosted Grayson so he could take a look. “Looks like one of them nudist camps,” reported Grayson. “Men or women?” asked Pugh. “Can’t tell,” said Grayson. “They don’t have no clothes on.”