When do ghosts play tricks on each other? On April Ghoul’s Day
Category: Ghost jokes
What is a ghost’s favorite Wild West
What is a ghost’s favorite Wild West town? Tombstone.
What did the mother ghost say to the naughty
What did the mother ghost say to the naughty baby ghost? Spook when you’re spooken to.
How do you get a ghost to lie perfectly
How do you get a ghost to lie perfectly flat? You use a spirit level.
Did you hear about the sick ghost?
Did you hear about the sick ghost? He had oooooo-ping cough.
Ghost: Are you coming to my party?
Ghost: Are you coming to my party? Spook: Where is it? Ghost: In the morgue – you know what they say, the morgue the merrier.
A butler came running into his important
A butler came running into his important master’s office. “Sir, sir, there’s a ghost in the corridor. What shall I do with him?” Without looking up from his work the master said, “Tell him I can’t see him.”
What do young ghosts write their homework in?
What do young ghosts write their homework in? Exorcise books.
Who said “Shiver me timbers!” on the ghost ship?
Who said “Shiver me timbers!” on the ghost ship? The skeleton crew.
What do you call a ghost who’s always sleeping?
What do you call a ghost who’s always sleeping? Lazy bones.