What would you have if your car’s motor was in flames? A fire engine.
Category: Car and train jokes
What happens if an
What happens if an axe falls on your car? You have an ax-i-dent (accident).
Where do cars get the most
Where do cars get the most flat tires? Where there is a fork in the road.
What kind of car drives over
What kind of car drives over water? Any kind of car, if it goes over a bridge.
Who drives away all of his
Who drives away all of his customers? A taxicab driver.
What kind of ears do trains
What kind of ears do trains have? Engineers (engine ears).
What driver doesn’t have a
What driver doesn’t have a license? A screw driver.
If an electric train travels 90
If an electric train travels 90 miles an hour in a westerly direction and the wind is blowing from the north, in which direction is the smoke blowing? There is no smoke from an electric train!
What is the best thing to take when
What is the best thing to take when you’re run over? The number of the car that hit you.
What part of a car is the
What part of a car is the laziest? The wheels. They are always tired.