Where does a snowman put his birthday candles? On his birthday flake!
Category: Snowman jokes
How does a Snowman get to work?
How does a Snowman get to work? By icicle.
Why did a anowman send his father to
Why did a anowman send his father to Siberia? Because he wanted frozen pop !
What is a snowman’s favorite book ?
What is a snowman’s favorite book ? War and Frozen Peas !
Who doesn’t like to sit in front of the fire?
Who doesn’t like to sit in front of the fire? A Snowman.
What kind of money do snowmen use? Iced
What kind of money do snowmen use? Iced lolly.
How do snowmen read their e-mails?
How do snowmen read their e-mails? With an icy-stare!
Where do snowmen put their webpages?
Where do snowmen put their webpages? On the winternet.
Where do Snowmen go to dance?
Where do Snowmen go to dance? To snowballs.
What do Snowmen call their offspring?
What do Snowmen call their offspring? Chill-dren.