An irate father stormed into the principal’s

An irate father stormed into the principal’s office. “I demand to know,” he screamed, “why my son Winslow was given a zero on his English examination.” “Now, don’t get excited,” said the principal. “We’ll get your Winslow’s English teacher in here. I’m sure she has some explanation.” A few minutes later, the English teacher arrived. “Why did you give Winslow a zero on his English final?” demanded the father. “I had no choice,” said the schoolmarm. “He handed in a blank paper with absolutely nothing on it.” “That’s no excuse,” shouted the father. “You could have at least given him an ‘A’ for neatness!”

The man passed out in a dead faint as he came

The man passed out in a dead faint as he came out of his front door onto the porch. Someone dialed 911. When the paramedics arrived, they helped him regain consciousness and asked if he knew what caused him to faint. “It was enough to make anybody faint,” he said. “My son asked me for the keys to the garage, and instead of driving the car out, he came out with the lawn mower.”

Talbot and his son James were

Talbot and his son James were called to Mrs. Cren-shaw’s classroom. “Mr. Talbot,” said the teacher, “I asked James ‘Who shot Abraham Lincoln?’ and he said that he didn’t do it!” “Well, teacher,” said Talbot, “if my kid said he didn’t do it he didn’t do it!” Father and son left the school, and on their way home Talbot turned to the boy and asked, “Tell me, son, did you do it?” ‘

A man

A man and his wife were making their first doctor visit, the wife being pregnant with their first child. After everything checked out, the doctor took a small stamp and stamped the wife’s stomach with indelible ink. The couple was curious about what the stamp was for, so when they got home, the husband got out his magnifying glass to try to see what it was. In very tiny letters, the stamp said, “When you can read this, come back and see me.”

With four

With four daughters and one son always dashing to school activities and part-time jobs, our schedule was hectic. To add to this, we kept running out of household supplies. I instructed them all to let me know when they used the last of any item by writing it down on a note pad on the refrigerator. As a reminder, I wrote at the top: “IF WE ARE OUT OF IT, WRITE IT DOWN.” When I checked the pad a few days later, to my delight I found the following message: “MOM, YOU MAY BE A BIT OLD-FASHIONED, BUT YOU ARE NOT ‘OUT OF IT.”