Eating Dogs

How did that bullfight come out?

| Cow jokes

How did that bullfight come out? Oh, it was a toss-up!

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Q: How do you get a blond

| Blonde jokes

Q: How do you get a blond out of a tree? A: Wave'

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Why did the fat monster put

| Birthday jokes

Why did the fat monster put a candle on his tummy? He was celebrating his girthday!

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How do heavy

| Internet jokes

How do heavy metal bands surf the web? On the Din-ternet.

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An American tourist found himself in a sleepy

| Old age jokes

An American tourist found himself in a sleepy country village, and asked one of the locals the age of the oldest inhabitant. "Well, sir," replied the villager, "we ain't got one now. He died last week."

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Two Vietnamese refugees have just arrived in the United States by boat and one says to the other, “”I hear that the people of this country actually eat dogs.”” “”Odd,”” her companion replies, “”but if we shall live in America, we might as well do as the Americans do.””
Nodding emphatically, one of the refugees points to a hot dog vendor and they both walk toward the cart. “”Two dogs, please,”” she says.

The vendor is only too pleased to oblige, wraps both hot dogs in foil and hands them over the counter. Excited, the companions hurry to a bench and begin to unwrap their “”dogs.””

One of them opens the foil and begins to blush. Staring at it for a moment, she turns to her friend and whispers cautiously, “”What part did you get?””