Do you know how to catch a squirrel? Climb a tree and act like a nut!
Category: Vampire jokes
MUMMY VAMPIRE: Jimmy, hurry up and drink your
MUMMY VAMPIRE: Jimmy, hurry up and drink your soup before it clots.
How does a girl vampire flirt?
How does a girl vampire flirt? She bats her eyes.
What’s Dracula’s car called?
What’s Dracula’s car called? A mobile blood unit.
What do you get if you cross Dracula with Sir
What do you get if you cross Dracula with Sir Lancelot? A bite in shining armor.
Which flavor ice cream is Dracula’s favorite?
Which flavor ice cream is Dracula’s favorite? Vein-illa.
Why are vampire families so close?
Why are vampire families so close? Because blood is thicker than water.
What’s a vampire’s favorite drink?
What’s a vampire’s favorite drink? A Bloody Mary.
Why did the vampire stand
Why did the vampire stand at the bus stop with his finger up his nose? He was a ghoulsnif fer.
What do you get if you cross a vampire with a
What do you get if you cross a vampire with a snail? I don’t know but it would slow him down.