What do you get if you cross a plum with a man eating monster? A purple people eater.
Category: Monster jokes
HWhy did the monster lie on his back?
HWhy did the monster lie on his back? To trip up low-flying aircraft.
Did you hear about the monster who had twelve
Did you hear about the monster who had twelve arms and no legs? He was all fingers and thumbs.
How do you address a monster?
How do you address a monster? Very politely.
Did you hear the
Did you hear the joke about the two monsters who crashed? They fell off a cliff, boom, boom.
First monster: I
First monster: I have a hunch. Second monster: I thought you were a funny shape.
Little monster: Mom, I’ve finished. Can I
Little monster: Mom, I’ve finished. Can I leave the table? Mommy monster: Yes, I’ll save it for your supper.
What kind of monster can sit on the end of
What kind of monster can sit on the end of your finger? The bogeyman.
On which day do monsters eat people?
On which day do monsters eat people? Chewsday.
How did the monster cure his sore throat?
How did the monster cure his sore throat? He spent all day gargoyling.