Why are clouds like jockeys? Because they hold the reins!
Category: Horse jokes
Why are chorus girls like barge horses?
Why are chorus girls like barge horses? They have to tow the line!
Who did the breeder call when his horse was
Who did the breeder call when his horse was possessed by an evil spirit? An exhorsist!
Which route should you take through the woods
Which route should you take through the woods when riding a fizzy horse? The psycho-path!
Where do you take a sick horse?
Where do you take a sick horse? To the Horspital!
Where did the newlywed horses stay?
Where did the newlywed horses stay? In the bridle suite!
Where did the Knights of the Round Table park
Where did the Knights of the Round Table park their horses? In the Sir Lance Lot
When does a horse neigh?
When does a horse neigh? Whinny wants to!
What’s the hardest thing about learning to ride
What’s the hardest thing about learning to ride a horse? The ground!
What’s black and white and turns
What’s black and white and turns cartwheels? A piebald horse pulling a cart!