What’s the national anthem of Puerto Rico? “Attention K-Mart shoppers…”
Category: Ethnic jokes
Q: Why can’t Chinese Barbecue?
Q: Why can’t Chinese Barbecue? A: Because the rice falls through the grill
Q: What do you get when you cross
Q: What do you get when you cross an Arab with a Mexican? A: Oil of Ole’
A Jewish
A Jewish father has two kids who want to sell lemonade on the street corner for 15 cents a glass. He figures he’ll spend about 3 bucks on the ingredients, the kids will sell maybe 10 glasses and then drink the rest and get stomach aches. His eventual response: “Go stand on the corner for two hours and come back, I’ll give you two dollars. Everybody wins.”
Two Irishmen are sitting in a
Two Irishmen are sitting in a bar. Mick’s looking particularly sad and Patrick asks him what the matter is. mick says, “well, I knew that my grandfather had died in the war, but I’ve just found out that he actually died in the auschwitz concentration camp.” Patrick says, “that’s terrible, did he go to the gas chamber?” and Mick replies, “no, he fell out of the machine gun tower.”