What is a moo hoo for steak that came late? Filet delay!
Category: Cow jokes
What is a moo hoo for a sheepish steer?
What is a moo hoo for a sheepish steer? A woolly bully!
What is a moo hoo for a delightful ranch owner?
What is a moo hoo for a delightful ranch owner? A charmer farmer!
What is a moo hoo for a cow that fell into the
What is a moo hoo for a cow that fell into the thresher? Ground round!
What is a moo hoo for a cow fight?
What is a moo hoo for a cow fight? A cattle battle!
What is a cow’s favorite lunch
What is a cow’s favorite lunch meat? Bullogna
What has four legs and goes, “Oom! Oom!”?
What has four legs and goes, “Oom! Oom!”? A cow walking backwards!
What happens when the cows refuse to be
What happens when the cows refuse to be milked? Udder chaos!
What happens when a cow stops shaving?
What happens when a cow stops shaving? It grows a Moostache.
What happened to the lost cattle?
What happened to the lost cattle? Nobody’s herd.