How do you start a teddy bear race ?
| Various animal jokes
How do you start a teddy bear race ? Ready, teddy, go !
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Q: Why do drummers always
| Music jokes
Q: Why do drummers always have trouble entering a room ? A: They never know when to come in.
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George W. Bush is seen crossing the Potomac
| Journalist jokes
George W. Bush is seen crossing the Potomac river on foot. The Washington Post : "President Bush crosses the Potomac River". The Washington Time : "Bush's conservative approach saves taxpayers a boat". Mother Jones : "Bush can't swim".
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When can you count on a hamburger in an
| Burger jokes
When can you count on a hamburger in an emergency? When the chips are down!
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Q. Which servant of Jehovah was the
| Religious jokes
Q. Which servant of Jehovah was the most flagrant lawbreaker in the Bible? A. Moses. Because he broke all 10 commandments; at once.
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Why do you go to bed? Because the bed will not come to you.