Sargeant Williams was the newest drill

Sargeant Williams was the newest drill instructor at AOCS, Aviation Officer Candidate School and as such was always trying to impress his company commander and the other officers in the Command. Daily he was seen jumping all over his officer candidates and yelling at them as he supposedly developed them into future Naval Officers. We were lined up behind his company awaiting our turn to go into the mess hall for lunch. We all listened as Sargeant Williams yelled at his company, ” you will eat in a military fashion, enjoy this delicious meal and fall by in formation at 1215, do you worms understand me?” “Yes drill sargeant.” “There are only three rules in this galley, shut up, eat up and get up, do you pukes understand me?” “Yes drill sargeant.” “Then proceed. Company forward march.” When they got inside, they were surprised to see several Miss Florida contestants getting a tour of the mess hall. Not one to let an opportunity slip by the drill sargeant yelled at the top of his lungs, ” bravo company what is the first rule of the mess hall?” To his chagrin, his company all yelled out in unison, “shut up drill sargeant!”