Q: How many Leos does it take to change a

'It's a pity

| Criminal jokes

'It's a pity you've gone on hunger strike,' said the convict's girlfriend on visiting day. 'Why ?' 'I've put a file in your cake.

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Yo mama head so big she has to step into her

| Yo momma jokes

Yo mama head so big she has to step into her shirts.

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What kind of company is a 24 hours hamburger

| Burger jokes

What kind of company is a 24 hours hamburger joint? Fry-by-night!

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A man enters a barber shop for a shave.

| Hair and bald jokes

A man enters a barber shop for a shave. While the barber is foaming him up, he mentions the problems he has getting a close shave around the cheeks. "I have just the thing," says the barber taking a small wooden ball from a nearby drawer. "Just place this between your cheek and gum." The client

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What dog would you want on your American football

| Dog jokes

What dog would you want on your American football team? A golden receiver!

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Q: How many Leos does it take to change a lightbulb? A: None: A Leo would order somebody else to change it.