What did the lightning bolt say to the old oak

Jack and Jill were riding a tandem up a hill,

| Bicycle jokes

Jack and Jill were riding a tandem up a hill, but making heavy weather of it. At the top, Jack said: 'I didn't think we'd make it! Jill replied, 'Nor did I - what a good thing I kept the brakes on, or we'd have slid all the way back down!

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What is an elf's favourite kind of birthday

| Birthday jokes

What is an elf's favourite kind of birthday cake? Shortcake!

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Name the pig's

| Pig jokes

Name the pig's favorite Shakespeare play. Hamlet.

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I see the baby's nose is running

| Baby jokes

I see the baby's nose is running again," said a worried father. "For goodness sake!" snapped his wife. "Can't you think of anything other than horse racing?"

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Teacher: What

| Face jokes

Teacher: What a glum face, what would you say if I came to school with a face like yours ? Pupil: I'd be too polite to mention it !

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What did the lightning bolt say to the old oak tree? -Hang onto your bark, this will be no ordinary spark