What did Santa

Why did the boy stand behind the horse?

| Horse jokes

Why did the boy stand behind the horse? He thought he might get a kick out of it!

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Why did the pig run away from the pig

| Pig jokes

Why did the pig run away from the pig sty? He felt that the other pigs were taking him for grunted.

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Where do hogs keep their money?

| Money jokes

Where do hogs keep their money? In piggy banks.

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A man is fibbing

| Dead and dying jokes

A man is fibbing away about how great things are in his country. Finally, he starts describing the tall buildings in his country. "There is a building so tall, it took my friend Alex 72 hours to fall off it!" "Oh, my God!" says his friend. "Surely he must have died!" "Of course. He was witho

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Why does a d dog scratch himself?

| Dog jokes

Why does a d dog scratch himself? He is the only one that knows where it itches.

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What did Santa Claus’s wife say during a thunderstorm? ‘Come and look at the rain, dear.