Did you hear about the argumentative

What would you get if you

| Halloween jokes

What would you get if you crossed Halloween with Independence Day? The Fourth of Ghoul-ly!

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What did the parrot say on Independence

| Bird jokes

What did the parrot say on Independence Day? Polly wants a firecracker!

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Gosh, its raining cats and dogs, said Fred

| Weather jokes

Gosh, its raining cats and dogs, said Fred looking out of the kitchen window. "I know," said his mother. "I've just stepped in a poodle!"

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Auntie Gladys

| Car and train jokes

Auntie Gladys bought herself a new rear-engine continental car. She took an old friend for a spin, but after only half a mile, the car broke down. Both women got out and opened up the front of the car. 'Oh, Gladys,' said her friend, 'you've lost your engine! 'Never mind dear,' said auntie.

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An Irish priest loved to fly

| Fishing jokes

An Irish priest loved to fly fish, it was an obsession of his. So far this year the weather had been so bad that he hadn't had a chance to get his beloved wadders on and his favourite flies out of their box Strangly though, every Sunday the weather had been good, but of course Sunday is the

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Did you hear about the argumentative skunk? He always liked to make a stink!