There was some mix-up with a

Did you hear about the dumb

| Idiot and fool jokes

Did you hear about the dumb father who returned from lunch and saw a sign on his door, "Back in 30 minutes," so he sat down to wait for himself?'

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What book did the rabbit take on vacation?

| Rabbit jokes

What book did the rabbit take on vacation? One with a hoppy ending.

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Q: Why do women rub their eyes when they get up

| Dirty jokes

Q: Why do women rub their eyes when they get up in the morning? A: They don't have balls to scratch.

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What is the hottest part of a

| Face jokes

What is the hottest part of a man's face? His sideburns.

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What driver doesn't have a

| Car and train jokes

What driver doesn't have a license? A screw driver.

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There was some mix-up with a woman’s room. The clerk (or whatever they are called on ships) was trying to remedy the situation. He asked, “Would you like an inside cabin or an outside cabin?” She replied, “Well, it looks like it might rain today. I’d better get an inside cabin.”