How can you tell elephants love to

What is yellow on the inside and green on the

| Banana jokes

What is yellow on the inside and green on the outside ? A banana dressed up as a cucumber !

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Q: Why don't they know where Mozart is

| Music jokes

Q: Why don't they know where Mozart is buried? A: Because he's Haydn!

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Retired colonel, talking of the good old days:

| Fishing jokes

Retired colonel, talking of the good old days: Have you ever hunted bear? His grandson's teacher: No, but I've been fishing in shorts.

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What is the slowest racehorse in the world ?

| Horse jokes

What is the slowest racehorse in the world ? A clotheshorse !

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What sits in the middle of the world wide web

| Internet jokes

What sits in the middle of the world wide web ? A very, very big spider !

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How can you tell elephants love to travel ? They are always packing their trunk !