How does Ebenezer Scrooge make phone calls?

Making the Most of Life

| Book title jokes

Making the Most of Life by Maxie Mumm

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Yo Momma so black when she goes swimming

| Yo momma jokes

Yo Momma so black when she goes swimming poeple thinks shes and oil spill.

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One ant was running across an unopened box of

| Insect jokes

One ant was running across an unopened box of crackers and urging another to speed up. "But why do we have to hurry?" said one. "Can you read, you nut! It says, Tear along the dotted line'.

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Beatrice Lillie (Lady Peel) was once accosted by

| Teeth jokes

Beatrice Lillie (Lady Peel) was once accosted by a haughty old dowager who scrutinized her through her lorgnettes. "What lovely pearls, dear Beatrice," she maliciously remarked. "Are they real?" Yes, nodded Lady Peel. "Of course," the dowager declared, "you can always tell real pearls by bit

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Q: Which game did the cat want to play with the

| Cat jokes

Q: Which game did the cat want to play with the mouse? - A: Catch.

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How does Ebenezer Scrooge make phone calls? Collect!